A Mardi Gras Love Story

Last Updated: February 27, 2025By

Written by Mobile Chamber President and CEO Bradley Byrne

Originally Appeared in Mobile Mask 2025

In February of 2017, while I was still in Congress, I was invited by the Navy League to board that year’s Mardi Gras Navy ship at the mouth of Mobile Bay and ride into the Port. I couldn’t because I was to be leading a Congressional mission to Singapore, so they invited my wife, Rebecca, instead.

When I returned home the Friday night before Mardi Gras, I asked about our new granddaughter (born the day before) and about the ride on the USS Mitscher, a guided missile destroyer.

Rebecca, of course, was thrilled with the baby and nearly as thrilled with the ride. Then she said, “There was the nicest young officer on the ship who helped me – I wish Laura could find someone like that.” Laura is the younger of our two daughters and was working for Mayor Sandy Stimpson.

I dismissed the idea, but the next day as we were loading into the convertible at the beginning of the Saturday Floral Parade, which the Navy led and Rebecca and I joined, she nudged me and said, “There he is.” I answered, “There who is?” When Rebecca said, “The Navy officer I told you about,” I replied, “Rebecca, would you give this a break?”

Monday we had breakfast on the ship and later took a tour. As we took group pictures, the ship’s officers held our overcoats. Rebecca said “That’s him.” I rolled my eyes and said “Rebecca you gotta let this go.”

Little did we know Laura and then LT Stephen Prugh met the previous Friday night at a downtown karaoke bar. Laura loves karaoke and was onstage singing when Stephen thought, “She’s cute,” and handed her his officer’s cap, which she promptly put on as she sang.

A local reporter shook her head at Stephen and said, “Congressman’s daughter.” When Laura finished the song, Stephen walked up to her with the greatest pickup line of all time: “Hey, I met your Mom today.”

They saw one another several times over the next few days with a date of sorts to the Infant Mystics parade and hung out together at the Knights of Revelry reception with Stephen in dress uniform. My eagle-eyed son, Patrick, saw them and began to understand what was happening.

A couple of weeks later Rebecca called me and said “Laura‘s going to Norfolk for the weekend.” Clueless as ever, I replied, “Why is she doing that?” My long suffering but ever patient wife said, “You’re her father, call her.” I was on Rebecca‘s intel team.

I called Laura and said, “Mom says you’re headed to Norfolk, what’s up?” Laura in an uncharacteristicly hesitant and low tone said, “I’m visiting a friend.”

I couldn’t help myself:A Navy officer you met during Mardi Gras?” After a long pause, she quietly said, “Uh huh.” That was it! She was outed, and Rebecca was thoroughly vindicated.

The happy ending to this Mardi Gras love story is that they married shortly before Mardi Gras 2019, spending part of their honeymoon back in the Mother of Mystics, having a ball and hiding their romance from no one.

Today, Laura and Stephen live in Virginia Beach with their nearly 2-year-old son, Clayton, and Stephen is now a Commander and executive officer of the Mitscher, the same destroyer he came to Mobile on in 2017. Yes, Clayton experienced his first Mardi Gras last year, and, yes, he’ll be back this year. His dad soon takes over as the Skipper of the Mitscher and, yes, we’ll do all we can to get her back as our Mardi Gras ship.

Perhaps for some lucky young lady in Mobile, and even luckier young officer on the ship, there will be another Mardi Gras love story.

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