Workshop and Sneak Peak: Mobile Civil Rights and Cultural Heritage District Planning Updates and Visioning Process Begins
Mobile, Ala. – Mobile County Commission has begun the process of visioning its new Civil Rights and Cultural Heritage District. The County is inviting community members interested in learning more about the project and wanting to provide input to attend two meetings. The Workshop meeting will be held on Thursday, May 16 beginning at 6 p.m. and the Sneak Peak session will be held on May 20 beginning at 6 p.m. Both meetings will be held at Dearborn YMCA (321 N. Warren Street).
These events are significant steps forward in Mobile County’s commitment to preserving and celebrating the area’s rich local history of civil rights and cultural heritage. This visionary project, championed by Mobile County Commissioner for District 1 Merceria Ludgood, seeks to preserve, honor and promote local culture and heritage assets.
The workshop meeting will include project updates as well as breakout sessions to work on specific areas of the plan. Mobile County has many historically significant locations and, though the district’s boundaries have not yet been delineated, the spine of the district will be centered on the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue corridor, affectionately known as “The Avenue.”
“So many people remember what The Avenue once was and have ideas about what it can become. We had the opportunity to hear from hundreds of interested community members during our last meeting, and we look forward to meeting additional stakeholders as we move this project forward. We invite people to attend the events, hear the presentation about the master plan, meet the people leading the project and provide input. It’s important to hear from the community as we proceed with master planning for Mobile’s Civil Rights and Cultural Heritage District,” said Freddie Stokes, the master planning project manager.
Developing a Master Plan for Mobile’s Civil Rights and Cultural Heritage District is one of Mobile County Commission’s American Rescue Plan Act-funded projects. It seeks to preserve and promote diverse heritage, revitalize the community, and attract new traffic and economic opportunities. Master planning will continue through 2024.
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