Mobile Civil Rights and Cultural Heritage District Planning Two-Day Session Recap

Mobile, Ala. – Mobile County Commission began the process of visioning its new Civil Rights and Cultural Heritage District in January. The consultants presented concepts to the community.

The visioning and sneak peek sessions attracted more than 200 stakeholders over a two-day period. The visioning session consisted of the consultant team presenting findings from the combination of research from local stakeholders and similar cultural/civil rights sites including Birmingham’s Civil Rights District and the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The evening ended with community-driven, interactive roundtable work sessions. Tonight’s “Sneak Peek” included a culmination of information from more than 500 stakeholders, 100 meetings and dozens of engagements.

Concepts included parking, facades, housing ideas and target marketing to attract businesses that honor the character of the district. These events are significant steps forward in Mobile County’s commitment to preserving and celebrating the area’s rich local history of civil rights and cultural heritage. This visionary project, championed by Mobile County Commissioner for District 1 Merceria Ludgood, seeks to preserve, honor, and promote local culture and heritage assets.

Developing a Master Plan for Mobile’s Civil Rights and Cultural Heritage District is one of Mobile County Commission’s American Rescue Plan Act-funded projects. It seeks to preserve and promote diverse heritage, revitalize the community, and attract new traffic and economic opportunities. Master planning will continue through 2024. An overview of the project is attached for additional information. You can also log on to:

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