District 2 Republican Candidate Q&A: Learn About Their Positions and Legislative Priorities

Last Updated: March 3, 2024By

Complete list of Republican candidates for District 2:

Greg Albritton, Dick Brewbaker, Caroleene Dobson, Karla M. DuPriest, Wallace Gilberry, Hampton S. Harris, Stacey T. Shepperson and Belinda Thomas.

The responses from the District 2 Republican candidates are printed in their entirety below. If any candidate is not listed, a response was not received.

To see the Mobile Chamber’s full election guide, click here. 


Where is your primary place of residence?

Dick Brewbaker: Pike Road, Montgomery County, Alabama.

Caroleene Dobson: Montgomery, Montgomery County, AL.


Hampton Harris: Lowndesboro, Lowndes County.

Current Employment Information

Dick Brewbaker: President of Brewbaker Motors.

Caroleene Dobson: Real Estate Attorney at Maynard Nexsen.

Karla M. Dupriest: Chris and Carla’s Heavenly Ribs and Catering.

Hampton Harris: Owner/Broker Harris Realty Group, LLC, (Montgomery, AL) / Attorney (Montgomery, AL).

Are you a Mobile Chamber member or are you affiliated with another local chamber of commerce? If yes, chamber name and city.

Dick Brewbaker:  No; Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce.

Caroleene Dobson: No.

Karla M. Dupriest: Yes.

Hampton Harris: NA.

Are you, or have you been, affiliated with any other business organization(s)? If yes, organization(s):

Dick Brewbaker: “Alabama Automobile Dealers Association, National Automobile Dealers Association; Better Business Bureau; Business Council of Alabama; NFIB.”

Caroleene Dobson: “Yes, I am a board member of the Southeastern Livestock Exposition and Commissioner on the Alabama Forestry Commission. I am proud to be endorsed by organizations such as the Alabama Farmers Federation, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, the Alabama Peanut Producers Association, and the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association.”

Karla M. Dupriest: “No.”

Hampton Harris: “Wallace and Moody Realty, Remax TriStar, Baptist Health, Partners in Health, Christian Legal Society.”

What background or experience qualifies you to understand and respond to the unique needs of the local business community?

Dick Brewbaker:  “I have spent my life building a small family business in Montgomery – I understand the local business community, and what it means to be in business and a member of a community. Montgomery Built Dick Brewbaker, and The Brewbakers Built Montgomery. I will endeavor to bring that level of understanding and interest to Mobile when I am in Congress.”

Caroleene Dobson: “As a Christian, wife, mother, and lawyer, my life is built on a foundation of hard work, faith, and service. My professional experience as a real estate attorney, combined with my upbringing on my family’s cattle farm, has given me a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing our business community. I am committed to confront these challenges head-on and will advocate for policies that support economic growth in our district.”

Karla M. Dupriest: “B.S. Accounting 1988, University of Arkansas, Accountant
Associate Degree, Medical Billing and Coding, Virginia College
Licensed Adjuster and Life Insurance Agent
Absentee Appointed Ballot Manger, Mobile County Probate Court for 7 years until I ran for office.
Appointed Land Commissioner, Mobile County Probate Court

Modern day Renaissance Woman: wife, mother, grandmother, business woman, volunteer: Owner operator of Chris & Carla,s Heavenly Ribs and Catering. “You don,t need teeth to eat em!” a full- service catering company for 23 years with a food truck. Accounting, Branding and Marketing, Coaching and Mentoring, Critical analysis, Effective Communication, Employee Engagement, Leadership Management, Operations Efficiency, Small Business management, Staff management, Strategic planning and training.
Recipient, Small Business -Eagle Award., Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce
Recipient, Small Business of the Month, Mobile, Area Chamber of Commerce
Owner/Operator of Sears Catalog Franchise, $1.4 million in Sales, 11 employees
Grew catering company with revenue streams in corporate activities, movie industry,
nonprofit events, and consumer celebration.
Adept at Small business advertising, branding and marketing
Proficient in New Business Development , Commercial and Consumer.”

Hampton Harris: “A young business owner who has seen first hand the red tape and regulations a small business owner faces. I have grown up in the district and have a broad range of experience in what problems our community faces. Additionally, I have two veteran grandfathers and am the spouse of an active duty service member so I am able to see first hand how much help our military and veterans need in this district and country. I am young, energetic, passionate and can get things done. I am not myself part of the establishment or career politics nor is my family. I have gotten where I am through hard work and getting dirt on my hands all by the age of 27 and that is what I will do for Alabama in DC.”

The business community in south Alabama is critical to our region’s long-term viability. How do you plan to work with the business community to ensure that fees, taxes, regulatory structures, and tax incentives allow businesses to be successful?

Dick Brewbaker: “Federal restrictions on fossil usage and exploration are driving inflation and the federal government’s role should be aimed at making businesses and people successful — not to hamper their ability to compete with unnecessary regulations.
I will listen to issues and I will try to get to the bottom of them. I am solutions oriented — meaning i want to get to the root of the problem, not quibble over symptoms — and I will fight for what we need to keep the economy on the coast growing.”

Caroleene Dobson: “The prosperity of District 2 starts with our economy. I will work tirelessly to ensure that our business community has an economic environment that it can thrive and grow in. Having been raised on a farm, I know firsthand how government overreach can hurt businesses. I am proud to have signed the Grover Norquist “Taxpayer Protection Pledge” and will oppose any new proposed tax increases. To this end, I plan to engage directly with the business community and ensure that their voices are heard.”

Karla M. Dupriest: “Experience Matter. I will serve this District!”

Hampton Harris: “We need to deregulate Alabama. Taxes, regulation, and red tape are stifling the economy not to mention inflation. We must cut spending and regulation in DC and this can be done by taking power and agencies our federal government was never supposed to have and bringing that power back to the states and more importantly, the people.”

lf elected do you plan to use Direct Congressional Spending, also known as earmarks, to advance projects and services in your district?

Dick Brewbaker: “When Appropriate. To say you won’t means more money for people like Nancy Pelosi and Hakeem Jeffries to spend millions on electric scooters! It’s all taxpayer money — Congressman can call balls and strikes, and I will fight for Alabama’s share of it.”

Caroleene Dobson: “Yes, I believe that the strategic use of Direct Congressional Spending is crucial to address the unique needs of our district. I will prioritize investments that support infrastructure, education, and economic development projects that are directly aligned with the long-term interests of our residents.”

Karla M. Dupriest: “Yes, It will take working with Private, non profit and government agencies to address project and services in my district. I would take this opportunity to use the funds for projects that would benefit from this one-time allocation for state, local, tribal government and non profit organizations. I would setup several savings accounts in government accounts to ensure that money for one project (saving goal) is not being used for another project.

These earmarks would allow me to direct federal funding to support local projects that enhance community priorities, transportation, health care, education, job opportunities, and other economic development projects. in restoring earmarks, Congress has placed additional restrictions on eligibility and increased transparency requirements. I am a board member of the Commissary Kitchen. I have coached 3rd grade girls softball and basketball.
I teach line dance to Senior Citizens. I have taught nutrient and cooking classes to disadvantage children of color supported by Arkema. Sunday School and Children Church teacher at Port City. I am a Servant Leader.
Earmarks are restricted for use by governmental and nonprofit organizations and each earmark request I make is required to be publicly posted. In addition, I must certify that, I, my spouse, and immediate family have no financial interest in any of the projects I requested.”

Hampton Harris: “This depends on individual circumstances.”

As a candidate, what are your top three policy priorities?

Dick Brewbaker:

  1. Liberty
  2. Security
  3. Limited Government

Caroleene Dobson:

I am running to fight for Alabama:

  1. families
  2. farms
  3. faith.

In Washington, I will stand up against liberal policies, but I will also keep my head down and work hard to restore our freedoms, protect our rights, and bring opportunities to Alabama’s 2nd District.

Karla M. Dupriest:

.Every one says the Border. I think that is a given. We have locked doors for our homes, so why should we have an open border. Congress writes laws, and do not enforce laws.
We need to enforce existing laws. Provide funding for Border guards and use of new technologies, complete the wall. We need to build a humanitarian protection system that will not break. We need workers. We can create a flexible , orderly and safe asylum process
But until we do a REMAIN IN MEXICO POLICY.

  1. Economic development is the key to education disparity, living conditions, lack of rural hospitals and establishing a stronger foundation for our farmers facing difficulties like lack of water, or too much water, high cost of products and transportation of course foreign
  2. Public Health in rural areas is complex and underfunded. Hospitals do not make enough money to cover expenses and have to close therefore no maternity or general services. This affects the work force and children and senior citizens.
  3. Climate Change
  4. Mental Illness for Disable Veterans, Adults and Children. Oh! that everybody!

Hampton Harris: 

  1. Veteran care
  2. The border
  3. Deregulating by removing power from the federal government and bringing it back to to the people.

What do you see as the most important issue(s) currently facing District 2? How do you address the issue(s)?

Dick Brewbaker:  “District 2 is a large swath of rural Alabama, bookended with some more populated areas, so the issues that affect us all are larger societal concerns such as The Border and National Security, Inflation and Government Spending and Healthcare.
I will address them all through the scope of Liberty, Security and Limited Government.”

Caroleene Dobson: “Due to the failures of President Biden’s border policies, immigration affects every city, state, and district in the country. Our district is no exception. The border is a national security risk. In Congress, I will support President Trump’s agenda to stop this open season we have now and go back to the remain in Mexico policy.”

Karla M. Dupriest: “1. Economic Development is the key to addressing several of the poverty counties of District 2. I would like to take some of our great industries in the state such our Seafood, Aerospace, Automotive and farming to these counties.

I will provide small business development by providing a friendly small business environment by
1. providing incentive for new business within the city limits.

2. BE attentive to existing business needs. Make visits to the top ten producing business within the city to show appreciation. Longevity awards for business surviving 10 years or more within the city limits. Give a 5% rebate on business license fee up to a maximum of 10%. I really appreciate the consideration given to new businesses added to the City during
annexation for business licenses and the trash pickup.

3. Commercial corridors are very important to the city especially the ones close to neighborhoods. Money to address improvements in corridors.

4. Facade Improvement Programs- Clean up corridors and provide business signage, aggressive building codes.

5. Underground utility lines in some cases moving the lines.

6. Entrepeurs are very IMPORTANT and I look at it as an investment. Partner with the Chamber to recruit new businesses like Cybersecurity firms.

Most business like to be downtown. Mobile is intentionally investing and redoing downtown. I love it!

Strike a balance between economy development, jobs and quality of Life for families and praying to retain our young singles and families.”

Hampton Harris: “Veteran care, inflation, and the open border. We must stop focusing on politicizing our military through vaccine mandates and woke trainings and focus on providing care for those who fought for this country, their families and our active duty service members. We must strengthen our military and focus funds on military strength and not the left’s agenda.”

If elected, how do you see your position being most impactful in creating positive growth for the business community?

Dick Brewbaker: “Throughout my career as a businessman and an elected official I have been known as a consensus builder and problem solver. The best way for a congressman to create positive growth is to listen to the people locally and support the projects and overall plans by approaching issues from a problem solving perspective.”

Caroleene Dobson: “In Washington, I will work to bring the opportunities and growth to the 2nd District that our residents deserve. Our district is blessed with an abundance of natural resources and means of economic growth. As a central hub for commerce and industry, that economic growth starts with Mobile. It will be my mission to unlock the potential of our port, businesses, and workforce to stimulate the economy not just locally, but across our entire district.”

Karla M. Dupriest: “Business communities want popular tourist destination, cultural and an entertainment Expo center of the region, increase park features like natural falls, nature trails, garden nature trails, public art and a long suspense bridge, gathering hall, pavilion for events, tourism taxes, private donation and grants pay for it.
I will remake downtowns in District 2 counties with public and private development partnership. Stadium with City work with private developers. Tax increase for storm and sewer banks. Recruit sports team owners to pay for office space, apartments change water street into a pedestrian friendly street. Parking garage with family friendly apartments with small parks, new hotels.

Workforce development- Right now workers are finding it hard to find the right skills for the right job that is where workforce development comes in.

Workforce development identifies skills that employers need then these programs help these workers obtain these skills.

Connecting people with jobs through classes and on the job training through job training classes, apprentice programs and community and technical colleges are the key players in the process.

Later employers benefit from the new trained employees.

Helping to build a strong economy for everyone funding may come from the Government and Philanthropy. Non profits help address barriers like transportation and childcare. Productive workers make happy people, happy communities, less crime, more revenues and a new generation to maintain a lifestyle of peace, grace and prosperity.”

Hampton Harris: “Through less regulation, a tight border, and controlled spending the district will see much more growth and money staying in their accounts. Our veterans will be able to receive the housing and health care they deserve. The safety of the citizens will be much more secure due to knowing who is in our country.”

How will you work with the Mobile Chamber to ensure a thriving business community?

Dick Brewbaker:  “The difficult we will do immediately. The impossible takes about 15 minutes — I understand the needs of local businesses because I have been in business my whole career. I understand the intersection of organizations like The Chamber of Commerce and local, state and national government. Tell us what’s needed, and we will get it done.”

Caroleene Dobson:The Mobile Chamber will be a key partner in my efforts to create a thriving business community. I will actively engage with Chamber leadership and its members to understand the specific needs and challenges faced by our local businesses. This will involve regular communication, collaborative planning, and support for initiatives that drive economic development in our district.”

Karla M. Dupriest: “I am the only Candidate out of All the candidates. Who has actually been a District Manager and Operator of a Congressional Office working with Washington D.C. and the State of Kansas on a weekly basis including Weekends and I love it!

I am the only Mobilian running in District 2. We need representation.

I will organize and oversee district offices in the district including budgeting procurement and training.

I AM adept in Constituent Advocacy like Social Security and VA problems. Specialize in de-escalation and identifying resources.

Collaborated with Washington D.C. office on scheduling, town hall and advisory board meetings for farmers, doctors. and taxes just to name a few.

Successfully conducted advance work for campaign activities and events. This entailed
setup and taking down several events in ONE day. Name tags for all officials.

I will travel to designated locations occasionally to see constituents for casework sessions.

I will be active with political committees and various local, state and federal campaigns.”

Hampton Harris: “By deregulating Alabama, increasing drilling in the gulf by AMERICAN companies, promoting a friendly free market entrepreneurial environment allowing massive growth for the port and Mobile as a whole.”


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