Career Fair Connects Students to Jobs & Training Opportunities

Last Updated: April 4, 2024By

As many as 2,300 students from Mobile County Public School’s 12 high schools along with ACCEL Academy, Chickasaw High School, Satsuma High School and the MAEF Workforce Center attended the Mobile County Public School System College and Career Fair.

This event gave seniors, whether college-bound or career-bound, the chance to connect with local industry partners and learn about potential career opportunities.

Claire Minto, the MCPSS Signature Academies Supervisor said, “This year by partnering with Mobile Workforce Alliance, we have been able to be really intentional with our business selection and the opportunities that directly align with our career tech programs. We created lessons to prepare students on the exact companies that are here today. They have had the opportunity to research and dive in before they came to the fair.” 

This year, high school seniors went through 25 lessons leading up to the career fair. During these lessons, they were not only taught about the companies in attendance but they were also taught networking skills such as shaking hands while maintaining eye-contact and how to exchange contact information.

Minto added, “We are really trying to get the word out that we are truly preparing kids to be both college and career ready. We also want parents and the members of the community to understand that career ready is for every student. Whether a student’s path is college or straight to a workforce career, being career ready is for everyone.”

More than 70 local businesses and training providers were on hand to share a diverse range of opportunities for students to explore, including employment, apprenticeships and educational programs.

HR Manager for the Original Oyster House Joie Biancardi said, “I go to all of the job fairs in Baldwin County and this is our first year coming to Mobile County. I was truly not expecting the turnout that we have gotten. we have talked for two hours straight. These students are engaged, they are asking questions, participating, they are well-versed and just excited. As employers, we are just as excited to be here. This has been a wonderful experience. This has been the highlight of all the job fairs that I have done this year and in the last five years.”

Mobile Chamber Workforce & Career Development Manager Kellie Snodgrass said, “We extend our sincerest gratitude to the businesses and education/training providers whose active participation in this year’s fair, coupled with providing content for students beforehand, truly enriched the experience. As we work together to connect industry to classrooms, these partnerships will ensure that students are better equipped to enter the professional world.”

This career fair was hosted by the Mobile County Public School System and was held in partnership with the Mobile Chamber, Southwest Alabama Workforce Development Council (SAWDC), Chickasaw City Schools and the Mobile Area Education Foundation.

Mobile Chamber Vice President of Economic Development David Rodgers said, “Whether a student is going to college or plans on going straight into the workforce, we want them to know about the good quality jobs we have in Mobile and how to work towards those jobs. We don’t want to lose any students. We want to continue to grow the population here and get everyone access to these jobs. Today is about educating these students on the career opportunities in Mobile.”

“This collaborative effort underscores our commitment to equipping our youth with the necessary tools and connections to succeed in the local job market,” said Mobile Chamber President and CEO Bradley Byrne.

Adults who were interested in job opportunities were invited to attend from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

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