District 1 Candidate Q&A: Learn About Their Positions and Legislative Priorities

Last Updated: February 28, 2024By

Both candidates were sent the Chamber’s questionnaire.

Both candidates responded and their answers are printed in their entirety below.

To see the Mobile Chamber’s full election guide, click here. 

Where is your primary place of residence?

Jerry Carl: Mobile, Alabama.

Barry Moore: Enterprise, Alabama.

What are your top three policy priorities?

Jerry Carl:

  1. Securing the border
  2. Cutting wasteful spending
  3. Holding the Biden admin accountable

Barry Moore:

  1. Securing our borders by insisting the current administration enforce our existing laws, finishing the southern border wall, and then deporting those illegal aliens with no right to be here
  2. Stopping the runaway wasteful government spending that’s driving inflation and crushing ordinary Alabamians
  3. Rebuilding our America, especially Alabama’s manufacturing and agricultural capacity so we can not only be self-sufficient as a nation, but also make the “Product of USA” label the global standard for excellence.

What background or experience qualifies you to understand and respond to the unique needs of the local business community?

Jerry Carl: “Before running for office, I spent decades starting and growing numerous small businesses, all while helping my wife Tina raise our family. When my son joined the Marines, I got involved in local politics so I could give back to our community. I’m proud to have played a role in the unprecedented growth here in our region, and I am looking forward to continual work with the local business community to keep this growth going for future generations. We need more people in Washington who aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and actually get things done for this country.”

Barry Moore: “I’ve been a small businessman myself for 26 years. I know what it is to have to make payroll, to deliver good service to customers, and to have to deal with all the local, state and federal regulations bureaucrats love to pile on businesses. As I’ve said during this campaign, I’ve done it. The unique needs of the business community aren’t unique to me—they’ve been a part of my life for decades now.”

The business community in south Alabama is critical to our region’s long-term viability. How do you plan to work with the business community to ensure that fees, taxes, regulatory structures, and tax incentives allow businesses to be successful?

Jerry Carl: “I have a track record of working to ensure we have the most business-friendly environment here. Over the years, I have worked closely with the business community to attract and grow various industries in the region. Whether it’s supporting projects at the Port of Mobile, the continued growth at Airbus and Austal, or working to bring the Walmart distribution center here, I have always worked to foster a business-friendly environment so folks have opportunities to get good paying jobs to better themselves and their families.”

Barry Moore: “When have your fees, taxes, regulations, or government paperwork ever gone down? I’m guessing never because mine never seem to. As a businessman, I know I’d like to see them at least stop going up, and up, and up.

While serving as the Chair of the Small Business Committee in the State House, I worked then to lower taxes and regulations for Alabama businesses. Since coming to Congress, I’ve sponsored and will continue to support legislation to cut unnecessary, overreaching regulations and fees, cut taxes, and put in place tax incentives and other programs to grow existing businesses and fuel new businesses to create jobs and stimulate economic growth. I’m proud to support a pro-growth, America First agenda, and I’ll continue to do so as your Congressman in District 1.”

lf re-elected, do you plan to use Direct Congressional Spending, formerly known as earmarks, to advance projects and services in your district?

Jerry Carl: “Yes, I am a firm believer in bringing our tax dollars back home for good projects like infrastructure, health care, education, and public safety. This can be done while simultaneously cutting wasteful spending in Washington and working towards a balanced budget.”

Barry Moore: “Since coming to Congress, my office has supported local organizations and governments in pursuit of federal grant money. As your Congressman, I will support federal funding of true infrastructure and national security projects to help assure the best outcome for the Bay Area and the people of District 1, yes. But, I will not support earmarks for projects such as walking trails or museums as some of my colleagues have. Earmarks can lead to corruption and should only be used on projects that promote job growth and protect our national security.”

As a current member of Congress, what has been your proudest achievement since being elected?

Jerry Carl: “Whether it’s helping craft and pass the strongest border bill the House has ever voted on, slashing wasteful spending, or successfully taking on Joe Biden numerous times, I’ve actually gotten things done instead of just talking about doing things.”

Barry Moore: “I think I’m most proud of what my offices have been able to do for my constituents. We’ve set up mobile offices to go to where our people are, have resolved over 4,300 constituent cases, and helped recover over $11.6 million in benefits that were owed to Alabamians.

I’m proud of my work on HR 2 in the Judiciary Committee, a border security bill that would have largely fixed the mess at the southern border had the Senate and White House acted on it. I’m also proud of my Protect Our Communities from DUIs Act that recently passed the House, which deports illegal immigrants found guilty of a DUI. I’m also pleased that the Col. John McHugh Tuition Fairness Assistance Act of 2021 was signed into law. I introduced the House version of that bill which provides in-state tuition benefits to Gold Star Families.

I was named as the most effective Republican legislator for the 117th Congress by the Center for Effective Lawmaking, while also being named the most conservative lawmaker from Alabama by groups like CPAC and Heritage Action. My office was given the Democracy Award for best Workplace Environment in Congress and was the runner-up for Constituent Accountability and Accessibility.”

If re-elected, how do you see your position being most impactful in creating positive growth for the business community?

Jerry Carl: “As a lifelong small business owner, I understand firsthand the struggles our business owners face on a daily basis. Business owners are taxed to death and way over-regulated, and I will always do what I can to fight against government overreach. I firmly believe the government should work for our business, instead of the other way around.”

Barry Moore: “An active, pro-business Congressman who understands the needs of the business community and is focused on the economic growth and development of his district and state is a tremendous resource for a county and city. Investments in infrastructure like the Port expansion have shown just how much economic benefit comes to those areas that make those investments in the first place.

The Bay Bridge would be aother positive for the area, and I am committed to helping Mobile and Baldwin County leaders look for a cost effective way to complete it. I think it’s high time we stopped wasting money on already-lost wars in Ukraine or funding benefits for illegals, and started investing in Americans and America.”

What do you see as the most important issue(s) currently facing District 1? How do you address the issue(s)?

Jerry Carl: “Without a doubt, the border crisis is the most urgent and important issue facing our district. Nearly all of us have seen the increase in crime and illegal drugs pouring into our community as a result of the wide-open borders, and now we are also seeing our schools and our hospitals struggle with how to handle the influx of illegal immigrants into our communities. This is why I helped craft and pass the strongest border bill the House has ever voted on. We’ve got to get control of our borders so we can protect the safety and security of all Americans.”

Barry Moore: “The critical issues facing District 1 are the critical issues facing Alabama and America as a whole: the economy and security. The dismal economic growth, crushing regulations and highest inflation in decades we’ve had the last three years have hit us all hard, especially across south Alabama. Our security is more at risk, both at home and abroad, than it’s been in decades, as well. Joe Biden’s presidency is already going down in the history books as one of the worst ever, if not the absolute worst.

We must close and get operational control of our border. Every state is a border state right now and it’s impacting our economy, the job market, our social safety net, and the lives of Americans due to the fentanyl crisis. The House passed HR2, the strongest border bill ever passed by Congress. Republicans must stand strong and insist that Schumer passes it in the Senate and Biden sign it into law. The only way to do that is to use the power of the purse strings as grants to Congress by the Constitution. I signed a pledge that I will not support any more spending bills until the border is secure.

Washington has to stop printing and spending money like a drunken sailor. We are saddling our children and grandchildren with crippling debt and creating an inflation tax on Americans that is out of control. I have refused to vote for any Continuing Resolutions that continue the pattern that has gotten us $34 trillion in debt and I will continue to push for Congress to do its job by passing 12 appropriations bills through regular order.

I look forward to the country electing Donald J. Trump this November, and giving him solid majorities of America First conservatives in both the House and Senate. President Trump knows me, and knows where I stand on the issues, and his relationship with me will be something I intend to leverage for the benefit of AL-1.”

How will you work with the Mobile Chamber to ensure a thriving business community?

Jerry Carl: “The Team Mobile mentality has worked well, and I will continue to be a partner with the business community to continue making Alabama a better place to live, work, and raise a family. The Mobile Chamber plays a pivotal role in keeping our business community thriving, and I will continue to do all I can to support the Chamber and all our business here in Alabama’s First District.”

Barry Moore: “Communication between the Chamber and my office will be key to a thriving, successful relationship. My staff will make it a priority to establish personal relationships with the Chamber as soon as possible. I will also make regular visits across the District a priority, and will meet with Chamber members frequently.

Of course, when urgent issues or emergencies arise, my staff and I are only a call, text or email away. I look forward to working with the council to grow Mobile, the Bay Area, and all of District 1.”

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